Every collection develops over time, some will succeed, some will fail... and that's why I created this section. To show you what's happening, what's new :-) Alternatively, to let you know that I have a few surpluses that I offer for exchange or for sale.
December 30, 2023
After a bit longer break I am here again :-) A hiatus in the sense that I didn't add anything here - but I am still interested in plants. A lot has happened in these two years, some plants have gone, others have been introduced. So, what's new and what's in the future for the collection next year? I've been sowing lots of seeds of astrophyte cultivars, and grafting too. So some of the astrophytes are already in the flowering size and also flowered for the first time this summer. The thing that I love about astrophyte cultivars is that they provide permanent fun – the grower can cross-breed individual cultivars and the result is always a surprise, there is always something to choose :-) A bit of a problem is that colourful cultivars cannot grow on their own roots, so they have to be grafted. But fortunately, myrtilocactus and ferocactus are suitable rootstocks, although, I admit, not quite visually suitable in some cases. I've also sown some Chilean cactus species, Lobivia of course, and I'm about to sow some "living stones", i.e. lithops and conophytes (I'm particularly excited about these, I have quite a bit of respect for them). And what about carnivorous plants? My collection of Sarracenia, which I grow outdoors all year round, has been slimmed down a bit (but only in a decent way :-) ), but I've added Venus´s Flytraps, whose cultivars are simply amazing and can be grown all year round in the greenhouse. I'll sow some VFT seeds in February, I'm curious to see the result with regard to crossbreeding. I've also sown Byblis and Drosera. I was very pleasantly surprised by the byblids, because all species except Byblis gigantea germinated without any seed treatment. And I use the smoke method on Byblis gigantea seeds, you can find quite a few videos on YouTube. But the main thing. I decided to slim down my collection a bit :-) So, I'm planning a sale for spring 2024:
- surplus Sarracenia (large plants 5 or more years old, not divided for 5 years, flowering)
- surplus Echinocereus (sowings in spring 2021, some already in flower)
- surplus Lobivia (from 2-year-old to 15-year-old plants)
- surplus astrophyte cultivars (seeds and plants)
If you are interested in advance, please contact me here, via the web form. I will post the offer here, under the News! I will only ship plants and seeds within the European Union.
In the meantime, have a great time everyone and I wish you a happy start to 2024.